This guide is intended for the Assessment Meeting that takes place after the online Ministry Assessment & Development Form has been submitted. Note: It's important to read through a staff member's submission, along with their job description prior to this meeting.
This assessment guide is to help you look, not only through the lens of a supervisor but also as a fellow team member - both pursuing the joint goals of the organization. This time is about helping staff see where they excel, where they can grow, and ideally, helps them meet their employment goals, (and if necessary and deemed appropriate timing), offer a mid-way correction and/or guidance.
BE A GOOD LISTENER, DON’T JUST DO TO MOTIONS OF LISTENING. Honor their time and make this about sincere appreciation, about a willingness to hear, maybe even receiving feedback with humility, and make it about equipping and enabling growth for both the staff member, yourself as a supervisor, and us as an organization.