Ministry Career Opportunities.

Things we are looking for in ministry applicants

Please read the following thoroughly and carefully:

  • Qualities we seek in ministry applicants:

    • Deep, growing relationship with Jesus Christ

    • Genuine desire to impact lives positively

    • Flexibility to serve as called by God

    • Professionalism and a respectful demeanor

    • Strong communication and active listening skills

    • Ministry Partner Development* - Ability to create and maintain ministry partnerships covering 100% of salary needs

    • Proactive self-starter with excellent follow-through

    • Team player with good organizational and management skills

    • Vision to recognize hope and potential in every young person

    • Passion for transforming young lives and empowering communities.

    *Ministry Partner Development:

    Join us in a faith venture called, Ministry Partner Development. Successful candidates build a partnership team for financial and prayer support. We believe in God's provision for your ministry calling, covering finances, emotional strength, and perseverance. We offer training and coaching for your success in Ministry Partner Development, an integral aspect of our ministry commitment.


Executive Director.

Youth for Christ Calgary is looking for an Executive Director who is an experienced and transformational leader with a servant’s heart and a passion for ministering to youth.

The Executive Director provides overall visionary and strategic leadership to the ongoing development of new and existing ministry programs. 

The Executive Director oversees the recruitment and development of staff for leadership, administrative, and ministry roles. The Executive Director is a faithful steward of resources and ensures YFC Calgary’s positive fiscal performance through responsible budgeting and management of fundraising activities. The Executive Director is responsible for all activities outlined in YFC Calgary’s bylaws and is accountable to the Board of Directors for the management and direction of the activities and affairs of YFC Calgary, including the overall spiritual welfare of the organization. 

This position requires Ministry Partner Development (MPD) which builds a partnership for financial and prayer support. The financial support raised will cover the salary and ministry expenses of the Executive Director. 

If you are a dynamic leader who wants to grow and develop the ministry programs  of YFC Calgary, we would love to hear from you!


Station One Eight.

Where Thirst Ends and Hope Begins

Community Youth Worker

At our newest ministry initiative Station One Eight, we're not just a mobile cafe; we're fostering a community of hope for youth.

Station One Eight is first and foremost, a supportive youth space, affirming the vital need for refuge in today's world. Secondly, it is an employment-training program in the form of a mobile cafe where youth can be trained in employable skills such as barista knowledge and techniques, marketplace initiatives, cash management, small business operations, and peer-to-peer outreach.

Station One Eight is looking for a youth ministry worker who has a calling to work with a wider demographic of diverse youth - leaving no young person out. This includes young people who are struggling to find community and purpose, indigenous youth who are looking for connection, those struggling with anxiety and loneliness, as well as the “average kid” who is often forgotten.


Youth Guidance.

Guiding Youth to develop their leadership potential

Community Youth Worker

Nothing makes a bigger impact on a young person than an authentic Christ-sharing relationship with a caring adult!

Youth Guidance is looking to employ individuals who have the heart to reach youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a youth minister role. YG uses a variety of community outreach programs and mentorship in order to meet the needs of community youth. Through sports programs, camps, and a partnership with an open-custody home, staff, and volunteers help youth to build healthy community and friendships, grow in leadership, engage in fun and constructive activities, develop their personal values, and form a positive sense of identity.  


Campus Life.


Gym Blast Coordinator

If you've got tons of energy and the thought of a gymnasium jam-packed with students ready to play hard excites you, this role could be for you! 

Campus Life is looking to employ individuals who have the heart to reach youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a youth ministry role. CL uses an event called Gym Blast which is a high-energy, fast-paced school assembly as an opportunity to share the message of building community among peers and dives into the topics such as anti-bullying, student leadership, finishing well, giving back, and other motivational messages. Messages that speak truths and core values impact the lives of youth and their journey.

Community Youth Worker

Campus Life is looking to employ individuals who have the heart to reach youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a youth ministry role.

Engaging teens where they are at is what Campus Life is all about! Whether you're up for coaching sports, life coaching, creating youth clubs for the sake of impacting young people, this might be your opportunity to hit the campus once again, and this time, with a newfound purpose!


Bow Valley Canmore. 


Community Youth Worker

Provides mentorship for youth in Bow Valley through individually tailored one-on-one mentorship. If you've got dreams of living in the Bow Valley within Alberta's Rockies and you have a desire and ability to reach youth for Christ... this could be your dream come true! Youth Unlimited has a Satellite nested right in Canmore and is looking to employ individuals who have the heart to reach youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a youth ministry role.

Our Bow Valley ministry reaches out to a growing enrolment of newly immigrated students whose families are primarily working in the tourism and service industry. Canmore is known for its high arts and music presence and draws in a constant flow of outdoor recreation seekers. As with all of our ministries, we aim to combine healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people make good choices, establish a solid foundation for life, and positively impact their lives




Community Youth Worker

StreetLight is seeking a passionate leader with a vibrant Christian faith to join our street outreach.

StreetLight is a program that provides outreach to Calgary’s street, exploited, and at-risk youth. StreetLight brings hope to Calgary’s young homeless and at risk population with its mobile drop-in centre, which provides physical resources, warm meals, and a safe space away from the pressure of the streets. We seek to optimize a coordinated response to youth needs by partnering with like-minded agencies and facilitating the involvement of the Christian community in reaching young people.

The objective is to break the cycle of homelessness and abuse by helping youth exit the street through personal, one-on-one intervention between these youth and our team of volunteer and employee outreach workers. 


Worth Auto.


Worth Auto is an employment-training program in the form of an automotive repair shop for disadvantaged and troubled youth. Worth Auto teaches youth practical and valuable skills while inspiring their sense of identity.

Mechanic Community Youth Worker

If you've got your mechanic's license and value the opportunity to mentor youth and could envision your day mentoring youth, not only in your skillset but also in sharing your faith, then Worth Auto might be the next shop you need to visit!

Worth Auto is looking to employ an individual(s) who has the heart to reach young people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a youth ministry mechanics role. Worth Auto is an employment training program for youth. Worth operates a small automotive shop that hires youth into paid positions, with the goal of teaching them basic employment and life skills to succeed. Through fostering caring relationships, we strive to assist in developing and maturing their whole person mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Join Us!

Apply to become a part of what God is doing at Youth Unlimited!

To begin your application process, use the link below.