First Name
Last Name
Date of Assessment
I have read and agree with the Youth Unlimited Calgary Employee Standard of Conduct Policy. I acknowledge that as a team member within this organization, my code of conduct is key to being a healthy and Christ-like team member.
Which parts of your ministry role do you excel in, enjoy the most, and why?
Which parts of your ministry role have proven to be the most difficult and why?
In looking towards the future, in the next year, where do you hope to be in regards to your ministry? (I.e. Is what you are currently doing, filling your tank? Do things need to change in order to keep you engaged and feeling fulfilled? If changes needed to happen, what might those changes be?)
What training, development, guidance, or support, could best help you meet the demands of your ministry expectations? (To help you overcome any limitations of skills or knowledge specific to your role, to better equip or support you personally, or to help you meet new objectives.)
During a typical ministry week, how many hours of time do you spend with youth either in a program or one-on-one?
0 hours
1 - 10 hours
11 - 20 hours
21 - 30 hours
31+ hours
In a weeks time, how many youth do you intentionally connect with in a one-on-one time outside of your scheduled program?
0 youth
1 - 2 youth
3 - 6 youth
7 - 10 youth
11+ youth
In an typical week, how often do you have intentional conversations specifically sharing the gospel message with youth in a one-on-one manner, or in a group setting?
Truthfully never (0x)
Seldom - the opportunity seems all too rare (0-1x)
Frequently - youth seem to be very open and lots of opportunities come my way (2-3x)
All the time - the interest is seemingly never-ending! (4x or more)
In a typical week, what percentage of time do you spend in administrative/maintenance activities? (I.e. returning calls, scheduling, emailing, strategic planning, organizing events etc.)
0 - 1%
6 - 10%
11 - 17%
18 - 24%
25% or more
How do you prioritize and streamline ministry time to maximize the desired outcome?
What does ministry success look like to you?
How can your supervisor, better support you in your current role?
On a weekly basis, how many hours of focused time do you spend in fundraising efforts for your personal deputation?
Not a weekly focus
0 - 1 hour
2 - 5 hours
5 - 10 hours
11 hours or more
On an average week, how many ministry partners do you connect with, in person, or with a personal phone call?
Not a weekly focus
0 - 3 partners
4 - 6 partners
7 or more partners
In the area of your deputation, is there anything that needs better attention? If so, what specifics goals and/or plans do you have in place to see success happen?
Over the past 12 months, what have the successes been in regards to your Ministry Partner Development?
What do you do in regards to donor recognition on a regular basis?
Thank You Cards & Personal Notes
Christmas Cards
Personal Phone Calls/Text Messages
Social Media
Face to Face Connection Times
None of The Above
Are you an active part and committed member of a church body?
How would you describe your spiritual development routines? (I.e. scripture reading/studying, prayer time, church community involvement, spiritual retreats etc.)
What are three ways, that help build and improve your spiritual life? What deepens your personal walk with God the most?
Choose your top three.
Naturalists - Loving God Outdoors
Sensates - Loving God with the Senses
Traditionalists - Loving God Through Ritual and Symbol
Ascetics - Loving God in Solitude and Simplicity
Activists - Loving God Through Confrontation and Evangelism
Caregivers - Loving God by Serving and Helping Others
Enthusiasts - Loving God with Excitement and Joy
Contemplatives - Loving God Through Introspection and Adoration
Intellectuals - Loving God with the Mind
What do you do in the area of your spiritual well being and your self care? Does this need to be improved and if so, what might that look like? (Take into consideration the previous question.)
What could we as an organization, or as supervisors, do, to help encourage you in the area of Spiritual Development and Self Care? (Whether corporately or individually.)
Tactful and sensitive to people's needs
Could Improve
Models a spirit of love and care
Could Improve
Displays an optimistic, welcoming and positive attitude.
Could Improve
Maintains a servant heart
Could Improve
Relates well to, and has respect of other staff
Could Improve
Does well to participant in team functions and activities
Could Improve
Leaves people with a worthwhile feeling
Could Improve
Is humble, speaks kindly of others, avoids gossip
Could Improve
Creates an atmosphere of trust and peace
Could Improve
Is a team player
Could Improve
Whether within the office, within your program/department, within the team, or in regards to how things are done; What might be an area of confusion, disappointment, or frustration for you? How might things be done differently and/or better?
Please do not be shy to share. This is about how we can best encourage and support you, and how we can grow and be better as a team, as supervisors, as co-workers, and as an organization. Please give a clear and specific response. If there are no areas of improvement wanted and/or needed, please write, "All is well."
How do you feel in regards to the YU team? (I.e. Do you feel a part of the team? Do you feel valued and respected? Do you feel disconnected? Well connected?) What do you enjoy about the YU team, and what could be done better?
In regards to being a part of a healthy and thriving team, what might be the areas that you could personally improve on, and what would that look like? How committed are you to make those changes?
Exemplifies spiritual vibrancy
Could Improve
Has the willingness to accept suggestions
Could Improve
Seeks out ways to improve personal employment skillset
Could Improve
Pursues ways to improve the organizational common goal
Could Improve
When it comes to representing the organization, your local chapter, your team, or program; in what ways do you believe you excel in? In what ways could you improve?
Can you provide examples of how you've effectively managed your time and priorities to ensure both short-term tasks and long-term goals are achieved?
How do you ensure that your strategic decisions align with the team's objectives, and how do you follow through to see these strategies implemented successfully?
What are your current ministry goals, what are you doing to accomplish them, and what accountability is in place to help you ensure these goals are achieved?
When it comes to excelling in your role, name one short term goal that you can achieve in this next quarter.
Think of a goal that you could accomplish over the next 3 months.
What about a second goal?
What could be accomplished over the next 6 months?
And one more goal!
What could a goal be that you would like to tackle over the next year? This time next year, what would you like to be celebrating?
Is there anything in this evaluation that we've missed, could have asked, or that you'd like to make note of? If so, please share that here.